Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Modified Clay Soil Using a Mixture of Nano-Additive and Activator Nano White Cement


Ola Bakr Shalaby
Hala M. Elkady
Amr B. ElDeeb
Nabil M. Nagy


Egypt's national highway network expanded by an astounding  98.78% between 2013 and 2024 (from 65.7 thousand km to 130.6 thousand km). The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a crucial test for both road design and maintenance procedures. Also, a tried-and-true, simple technique, CBR test uses in Egyptian highway construction to assess the strength of base course materials and soil subgrades. While adding conventional materials like fly ash, cement, and lime to improve mechanical properties is thought to be environmentally harmful, the new science of the nanotechnology revolution has positive ecological and economic feedback.

The strength of the tested soil varies in each sample depending on the percentage of nano-white cement (N-WCem) alone or combined with the nano-silica (N-Si) additive. The resulting difference in soil strength depends mainly on increasing the percentage of additions, which in turn increases the amount of water for each sample, especially with high percentages of nanomaterials. Thus, the present study tried to evaluate CBR Test in many varying degrees of soaking.  Various percentages of the additives N-Si and activator N-WCem were added to the tested soil, namely (0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2%) and (0.5, 1, and 1.5%), respectively. The improvement in the CBR test values continued when the two materials were mixed, even at low percentages of N-WCem.




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