Improved Mechanical Properties of Clay Soil Modified by Activated Nano White Cement and Nano-Silica Mixture

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Ola Bakr Shalaby
Hala M. Elkady
Amr B. ElDeeb
Mohamed Salah
Ayman L. Fayed
Nabil M. Nagy


In Egypt, the Kaolin soil is the most widespread dispersion. So, it has appeared to the necessary to investigate new techniques for improving the performance properties of these soils, especially for highway construction. This study aims to assess and compare the efficiency of nano-white cement in enhancing the mechanical properties of kaolin alone and kaolin mixed with nano-silica. The results of the compaction tests of the kaolin soil treated with different percentages of nano-white cement revealed a decrement in the maximum dry density, the plasticity index, and the workability. While they had elevated the optimum moisture content, plastic limit, Liquid limit, and unconfined compressive strength. The tested samples treated only with nano-silica reached their maximum strength properties with a concentration of 0.9% nano-silica then declined. The samples treated with the lowest percent of nano-silica and the different percentages of nano-white cement recorded higher readings in the unconfined compressive strength compared with the result of the sample treated with the highest percent of nano-white cement individually. Furthermore, the SEM images of treated samples represented the physical and chemical bonds between soil particles, nano-white cement, and nano-silica. In conclusion, the nano-white cement and nano-silica additive mixtures have a powerful improving effect on the mechanical properties of kaolin soil than the nano-white cement additive only. From the results, the nano-additive (nano-silica) in tested clay blended with nano-white cement had a significant positive effect on the behavior of clay soil. So, using additives and activators on a nanoscale has economic feedback with a positive ecological effect.

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How to Cite
Shalaby, O. B., Elkady, H. M., ElDeeb, A. B., Salah, M., Fayed, A. L., & Nagy, N. M. (2024). Improved Mechanical Properties of Clay Soil Modified by Activated Nano White Cement and Nano-Silica Mixture. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(3), 166-179.

How to Cite

Shalaby, O. B., Elkady, H. M., ElDeeb, A. B., Salah, M., Fayed, A. L., & Nagy, N. M. (2024). Improved Mechanical Properties of Clay Soil Modified by Activated Nano White Cement and Nano-Silica Mixture. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(3), 166-179.


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