Effect of the Shape of Reinforcement around Openings on Concrete Beams Subjected To Cyclic Loads
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Openings in reinforced concrete beams, which were before a structural problem, are now necessary for contemporary construction. These openings enable the seamless integration of HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems, enhancing functionality, efficiency, and adaptability, and reducing the disruption of future upgrades. Careful engineering guarantees structural integrity, which benefits both building users and constructors through these astute design decisions. This study examines the impact of shear reinforcement and transverse opening height under cyclic loads. This study uses an experimental setup and finite element analysis (ANSYS 19.2) to examine how a reinforced concrete beam with an opening behaves. Specifically, we subjected the middle third of the beam's length to cyclic loads, specifically compression. The test had six beams, unlike the control beam (without opening), and the two main variables were the height of the opening and the special reinforcement around it provided by stirrups. We divided into two groups. The first group included three beams with openings at varying heights and without diagonal reinforcement around the openings. Three beams with openings made up the second group, which also featured diagonal reinforcement around the openings. The opening sizes used in this study were 300*100*60 mm, 300*100*100 mm, and 300*100*120 mm. All the beam specimens have a cross-section of 300*100 mm and a total length of 2000 mm. We tested the beams at two points until they failed. We have discussed the response by examining the deformation in all beams, the pattern of cracks, the modes of failure, and the load-deflection curves that result from cyclic loading at the opening, in the middle span, and on the opposite side of the opening. Results indicated that the load failure of the beams without diagonal reinforcement decreased by a rate ranging from 85% to 90% of the value of the load failure of the beams with diagonal reinforcement surrounding the openings. The results also showed that the load failure rate goes down as the opening height goes up, which corresponds to opening heights of 20%, 30%, and 40% of the beam's height.
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