Structural Analysis of New Octagonal Pre-Stressed Concrete for On Shore Wind Turbine Tower Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
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To produce electricity, the wind turbine's tower needs to be sturdy enough to withstand the forces generated by the generator located at the tower tip. The tower height must be sufficiently elevated to capture more robust winds at more intense velocities. In addition to its ability to withstand wind and challenging weather conditions, it must also be cost-effective. Consequently, these results mention the cost overrun of the turbine. Therefore, this article presents the new version of the octagonal cross-section wind turbine tower, which effectively tackles weaknesses of previous studies in concrete wind turbine tower design and tackles obstacles concerning construction intricacy, transportation and installation, fluctuating wind loading, stress concentration, and material usage. In this study, dead, wind, fatigue, buckling, and seismic loads are considered for a tower with a 100-meter height and a 3.6 MW generator. The wind tower's stress, deformation, buckling, and fatigue limits will be analyzed to verify compliance with design codes. Finally, the result mentioned that the newly proposed across-section was very effective. The ratio of about 50% and 30% decreasing ratio in the deformation and stress respectively smaller than the allowable stress.
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