The Effect of Opening in Oriented Corrugated Web Steel Beams
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The use of corrugated webs in steel beams has been found to increase their efficiency in resisting loads and natural frequencies. This practice has the same efficiency as flat webs with greater thickness. A study analyzing 23 beams with flat and corrugated webs using finite element numerical analysis showed that the three types of corrugated webs (trapezoidal, rectangular, and triangular) had different effects on flexure mode shapes and natural frequencies. The results showed that FE numerical analysis accurately predicted natural frequencies and flexure mode shape changes in beams with corrugated webs, resulting in a 33% reduction in thickness compared to flat beams. The triangular type was more efficient in the first mode shape, while rectangular was better for other modes. The angle for the triangular type was found to be effective in resisting mode shape and frequencies, with decreases of 0.60 and 0.78, respectively. The effect of thickness and angle was perceived to be linear for specific cases. This paper receives a light on two intentions: the first one is the flexure behavior of corrugated web beams subjected to uniform or point load, while the second one is the effect of web openings on the load capacity of steel beams with corrugated webs. Trapezoidal corrugated steel webs in the cross-sectional plane (i.e. horizontal) and oriented in in-plan direction were investigated arithmetically by the use of a Finite Element (FE) technique. In the finite element analysis, 3D models were studied using ANSYS software and a non-linear analysis was performed through thirty models of simply supported beams. Results show that using corrugated web does not have significant effect on the beam resistance to bending but increases the beam resistance to shear.
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