Effects of Design Thinking-based Instruction on students’ Writing Performance and Creative Thinking Skills
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This study aimed at investigating the effect of design thinking-based instruction on improving students’ writing performance and creative thinking skills. The purpose of this research was to increase students’ writing performance and their creativity. A quasi-experimental design with multistage sampling approach was adopted to solve this problem. Two classes were randomly chosen from the university, and the 51 students chosen were grouped as the comparison and experimental groups with 24 students being the experimental group who used the design-thinking approach, and 27 students who were the comparison group that used the conventional methods. The data were obtained via pre-and posttests and reflective journals, where thematic analysis was applied for the qualitative data and t-tests for quantitative data. The outcomes show that students who participated in the design thinking-based instruction significantly improved their essay writing performance, especially in the areas of task achievement, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and coherence and cohesiveness. Additionally, these students exhibited higher creativity levels in fluency, flexibility, elaboration, and originality. The paper comes to an end with the idea that implementing design thinking-base studies becomes a successful method for enhancement of writing and thinking abilities and therefore, the researchers and the policymakers should include such a method in other courses as well, and the students should be also given this opportunity.
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