The Degree of Mathematics Teachers’ Application of Productive Thinking Skills in Jordan
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The purpose of the study was to find out how often Jordanian math teachers used constructive thinking techniques. A questionnaire created by the researchers was one of the study's instruments. The study used a descriptive research methodology 2. There were 452 math instructors in the First Directorate of Education in the Zarqa Governorate; 257 of them were female and 195 were male. These teachers made up the study population. 1. Using a stratified random technique, 117 males and 132 females made up the study sample. The study's findings demonstrated a high degree of application and the greatest level of proficiency in the following areas: First: Urging students to self-regulate and monitor their level of knowledge in mathematics, Second: Asking students to interpret and express the mathematical problem in their own language. The study also showed that there were no statistical differences resulting from the variables of academic qualification and gender of mathematics teachers. The study recommended: Urging mathematics teachers to apply mathematical inference and mathematical justification skills, and activating postgraduate education programs.
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