Diversity of Microbes as an Asset towards Strategic Ingenuities


Rakesh Sharma
Rasel Raghu Rama


Biodiversity  is  one  of  the  earth’s  greatest  treasures.  Microorganisms  represent  a  largely  untapped  source  of  novel bioactive  compounds  and  metabolic  pathways  which  could  be  exploited  for  new  biotechnological  applications  and products.  Microbes  and  their  activities  may  also  promote  or  alleviate  climate  change  apart  from  its  application  in pharmacy, agriculture and industrial fields. Microbes can perform numerous functions essential for biosphere like nutrient recycling  and  environmental  detoxification. Exploitation  of  microbial  diversity  has  an  important  role  in  sustainable development worth millions of rupees. Compared to plants and animals, microbes are least explored since they are mostly considered as pathogens and very little is known about their beneficial potentiality. There is a lack of under standing especially in microbial interaction with the environment. Hence,  there  arises  an  urgent  need  to  raise  the  public  awareness  about  its  economic  value  by  taking effective measures in exploiting and conserving the microbial diversity. An  attempt  has  been  made  to  discuss  about  the  strategy  of  microbial  screening  and  its  applications  along  with  future innovative practices that has to be undertaken in order to conserve its diversity.




Bhardwaj Vibha and Garg Neelam(2012) Importance of Exploration of Microbial Biodiversity; ISCA Journal of Biological Sciences 1(3):78-83.

Frank Oliver Glöckner et al (2011); Marine Microbial Diversity and its role in Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Change -Marine Board-ESF Position Paper 17.

