Methane Mitigation Devices for reducing Global Warming: A short review
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Nowadays global warming effect, in general, is a great concern for the scientific communities of the world. It constitutes the emission of greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, Methane, and so on. Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. This mini-review focuses on the different sources of methane emission and its mitigation. The five different emission sources are Land Fills, Rice Paddy Fields, Ruminants, Waste Water, and Coal Mines. Several emission studies and their control treatments had been a discussion of interest. Ultimately to our goodwill, several solutions are coming up that have solved real-life problems regarding the mitigation of methane from the environment. Several of these solutions are specific to their emission specificities. While these provide a narrow genre of solutions, it also cuts down on the decision making of analysis between different solutions. Several of these solutions need a thorough discussion and review to make the least of concern the decision of choosing a bit easier on the readers. Clearance of the pros and cons of every method are discussed give a clear view of the methods of methane mitigation.
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