Strategic Well Management and Economic Study for Enhanced Recovery and Environmental Sustainability Evaluating Gas Cycling and CO₂ Injection in a Gas Condensate Reservoir
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This comprehensive study investigates the efficacy of gas cycling and CO2 injection techniques in enhancing hydrocarbon recovery from a gas condensate reservoir. Through detailed compositional simulations, the study demonstrates that both techniques significantly increase recovery, with gas cycling achieving an overall recovery of 78.2% in condensate oil and 20% in gas, while CO2 injection achieves 65.3% in condensate oil and 11% in gas for a one year simulation runtime. This enhancement is attributed to gas cycling’s ability to maintain reservoir pressure and enhance fluid miscibility, and CO2 injection’s effectiveness in reducing oil viscosity and dissolving lighter hydrocarbons. The analysis also delves into well network patterns, identifying slight cost increases but improved recovery with the nine-spot over the five-spot pattern, emphasizing the importance of well spacing and network density. Additionally, it examines the trade-offs involved in adjusting injection parameters, such as pressure and flow rates, to optimize recovery based on specific reservoir characteristics. The study then explores the economic impacts of these methods through the lens of environmental credits associated with CO2 sequestration, revealing that while gas cycling maintains higher conventional economic metrics (NPV and ROI), CO2 injection offers substantial long-term financial benefits, reflecting an increase in cumulative profit (annual) from $0.9 million to $1.1 million due to environmental credits. This positions CO2 injection as a pivotal strategy for aligning economic outputs with global sustainability goals. This study provides a solid foundation for future research aimed at optimizing recovery while adhering to environmental sustainability principles.
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