A Review Evapotranspiration Estimation Models, Techniques and Methods State of Art
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Evapotranspiration (ET) plays a critical role in the global water cycle, significantly impacting water budgets, climate dynamics, and agricultural systems. This complex process results from interactions among the atmosphere, soil, and plants, involving both chemical and biological processes such as photosynthesis and CO₂ emissions, alongside the physical transformation of water between liquid and vapour phases. Due to these interactions, estimating ET accurately remains challenging, particularly in simulating and integrating all associated processes within a single model. ET can be measured with physical devices, like eddy covariance systems and lysimeters, or estimated using physical models and equations informed by measurements, remote sensing data, or a combination of these sources. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical foundations of ET estimation, observing techniques, and algorithms for estimating ET across diverse landscapes using remotely sensed data. It also addresses the uncertainties and limitations of current estimation methods, reviewing the strengths and constraints of various approaches. Additionally, this paper evaluates existing ET remote sensing products, examining the foundational equations and methods behind their development. Finally, recommendations are offered to enhance future ET estimations, including combining multiple methods to improve the accuracy and reliability of ET flux assessments across varied environments.
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