Work Performance Loyalty Approach and Promotion Contribution
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This study is a concept that aims to see the influence of employee loyalty on employee work performance both directly and indirectly by placing job promotion variables as intervening. This study was conducted at PT Prima Karya Manunggal located in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, with a sample size of 85 respondents, all of whom are permanent employees at the company. This study is a quantitative research study using independent variables, dependent variables, and intervening variables, which overall function to measure and explain work performance. Data collected through questionnaires were processed using Smart PLS 4 which was used to see direct and indirect effects with a path analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that the condition of employee loyalty is able to influence work performance at PT Prima Karya Manunggal, this shows that loyalty directly or through job promotion will encourage the creation of employee achievement. Likewise for job promotion, it can be an intervening and explain its relationship with employee work performance. The findings in this study indicate that loyalty is an important capital in maintaining, caring for, and also improving the work performance expected of employees. In addition, the important role of the company in providing conditions that guarantee job promotions is a key that can further improve the performance of each employee.
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