The Effect of Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement in Higher Education Institutions The Mediating Role of Job Characteristics
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This study explores the intricate dynamics between organizational culture (OC), job characteristics (JC), and employee engagement (EE) in higher education institutions, specifically Bayero University Kano, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, and Aliko Dangote University of Science and Technology, Wudil. The research aims to investigate the influence of OC on JC and its effect on EE, and also investigate the mediating role of JC in the OC-EE relationship. The study involves 346 academic staff from the target universities. The findings revealed significant positive correlations: firstly, between OC and EE, emphasizing the crucial role of a supportive OC in enhancing EE; secondly, between OC and JC, indicating the substantial influence of organizational values on the work attributes experienced by academic staff. Additionally, a positive correlation is identified between JC and EE, underscoring the pivotal role of JC in promoting EE. Notably, the study establishes that JC act as a mediator between OC and EE in higher education institutions. This mediation underscores how OC indirectly shapes EE through JC, emphasizing the importance of job design in fostering EE. The practical implications of these findings suggest that aligning OC with JC enables educational institutions to cultivate a more engaged and motivated academic workforce. Overall, the study contributes to refining the theoretical framework of OC, workplace design, and EE in higher education, offering valuable insights for institutions seeking to optimize their EE strategies.
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