Determining Factors Related to Artificial Intelligence Adoption among Small and Medium Size Businesses A Systematic Literature Review
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This paper systematic literature review (SLR) investigates the factors influencing the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs play a crucial role in global economic development but face significant barriers in implementing AI technologies due to limited resources, expertise, and organizational readiness. Drawing on 17 high-quality, peer-reviewed studies published between 2011 and 2024, this review identifies 14 critical factors grouped under four dimensions: technological, organizational, environmental, and human. Key determinants include perceived compatibility, management support, financial resources, vendor ecosystem, and leadership attitude. The study applies the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, supported by the Diffusion of Innovation theory, to develop a conceptual model that explains AI adoption in SMEs. The findings provide actionable insights for policymakers and practitioners, highlighting strategies to overcome technological complexity, enhance training and development, and foster a supportive regulatory environment. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of AI adoption while addressing the unique challenges faced by SMEs, particularly in developing economies. Future research should validate the proposed framework using empirical methods and explore additional dimensions that may impact AI integration.
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