A Study on Infrastructure, Integration, Operation, Methods of Warehouse Management

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Eman Suneetha


Warehouse  Management  System is  associate  subject  presently discussed.  Its  use  may  be  a good  choice  for  firms  altogether  sectors improving  the  management  of warehouse  operations. within  the  last  years  some articles  mentioned  concerning  WMS  infrastructure,  opperations  and also the integration of WMS and different data technologies. A bibliometric study may be used to investigate thestructure, characteristics and patterns  of  the  underlying  science  and  technology. Therefore, thepurpose of this article is to verify thecompleteness of the literature with respect to the  treatment  of  WMS.  With  this  purpose,  a  bibliometric research  was  conducted  victimisation bases in  Inter-Services  Intelligence  internet  of  Science,  Scopus  and Scielo.  The  collected information were  analysed toindicate wherever the articles were revealed, the amount of papers revealed per author, the number of papers revealed annually, and different analysis. The authors discovered  that  Asia  and  Europe  focused  over  70th  of issues,  there's  no  concentration by  year, subjects (in spite of operations’ focused the papers),journals or authors, from 2006 to 2015, with Warehouse Management System keywords, exploitation ‘AND’as a connective.

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How to Cite
Suneetha, E. (2022). A Study on Infrastructure, Integration, Operation, Methods of Warehouse Management. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 27(4), 1-4. https://zkdx.ch/journal/zkdx/article/view/9

How to Cite

Suneetha, E. (2022). A Study on Infrastructure, Integration, Operation, Methods of Warehouse Management. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 27(4), 1-4. https://zkdx.ch/journal/zkdx/article/view/9


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