Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Culturally Talented Students in India An Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour

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V. Monica Hepzibah Pushpabai
H. Samuel Thavaraj


Entrepreneurial intentions are typically connected to an entrepreneur's skill in leveraging opportunities. However, the influence of entrepreneurs' cultural talents also warrants significant consideration. This study explores the entrepreneurial intentions of culturally talented students in India, employing the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as a framework for analysis. We investigate the specific attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control influencing these students' intent to start new ventures. The theory of planned behaviour questionnaire with 21 items was adopted in this research activity. Data were collected through Google Forms questionnaire from 361 culturally talented students of various Universities and Colleges in Tamil Nadu, South India. Cronbach’s alpha reliability test, correlation, regression, and analysis of variance were used to analyse the collected data.  The study revealed significant positive relationships between the TPB variables (Attitude towards Behaviour, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioural Control) and entrepreneurial intentions. Notably, Attitude towards Behaviour emerged as the strongest predictor with a correlation coefficient of 0.636, followed by Perceived Behavioural Control and Subjective Norms with coefficients of 0.535 and 0.487, respectively. These results emphasize the critical role of positive attitudes, enhanced control perceptions, and supportive social norms in fostering entrepreneurial intentions among culturally talented students. The study demonstrates the utility of TPB in academic settings, suggesting that curricula should be designed to nurture these attributes to effectively promote entrepreneurship among culturally talented students.

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How to Cite
Pushpabai, V. M. H., & Thavaraj, H. S. (2024). Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Culturally Talented Students in India: An Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(4), 452-459. https://zkdx.ch/journal/zkdx/article/view/199

How to Cite

Pushpabai, V. M. H., & Thavaraj, H. S. (2024). Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Culturally Talented Students in India: An Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(4), 452-459. https://zkdx.ch/journal/zkdx/article/view/199


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