Significance of Erotic Arts of Carving and Tourism in Hindu Temples in Kathmandu Valley
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Cultural tourism plays a key role in economic development and the study of heritage that signify different meanings for the host society and guest tourists. For host society, the erotic arts of struts (Tudal) is one which manifestly indicate the interrelationship between sex, nudity, arts of sex with fertility that are acts as the mechanism to maintain the socio-cultural order or equilibrium through the offerings of various cultural events and celebrations both manifestly or sometimes latently. But for the guest (tourist), these may be different than the host and these arts and architectures were the means to study the overall society and culture in very short time frame not only for the entertainment but also for the knowledge. So, cultural heritage and rituals are the window through which guest can understand the host society.
The aim of this article is to explore the significance of these cultures, arts and architectures of host society to maintain the mode of production, fertility and it is the means to socialize sex and religion together in Hindu orthodox system where sex as sinful activities in one hand and "sex is essential and basic human need which is related with the fertility and sexuality; that determines the production" to all. In other hand, this way of contradiction is very important in subject matter for the guest, researcher and anthropologist to dig out the depth of the knowledge, facts and figure that associated with the dialectic acts in the Hindu cultural system. This model of sharing system of knowledge and ideas that emphasizes the power relationship between the guests and host society across socio-religious, politico-economic, psychological, ecological and many more domains. So, apart from these, such arts of carving play vital role to promote tourism industry, knowledge sharing between guests and host.
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