A Review of Continuous Improvement of Environmental Quality Management Standards in sub-Saharan Africa The Nigeria Medical Laboratories perspective


Josiah C. Ogbuka
Emeka B. Ogbuene


Continuous improvement (CI) is a coordinated upgrade of quality of production activities, products and services, necessitated by the ever-changing competition globally. CI of International Organisation for Standards (ISO) enhances Quality Management (QM) practices in production activities, products and services. However, limited scholarship on CI of ISO in Sub-Saharan Africa constrains the effectiveness of compliance with Environmental Quality Management (EQM) requirements and practices. Here, we examined the quality management practices in the Nigerian medical laboratories to contextualize the implications of CI of ISO in sub-Saharan Africa, and evaluate the state of compliance with EQM requirements and practices, which are prerequisites for accreditation and certification in line with applicable ISO systems. The evaluation was enabled by descriptive literature review to enhance understanding of the subject of study, and to enable insight into the existing studies connected to this research topic. The study reveals limited CI activities among medical laboratories due to poorly regulated operational environment, poor awareness and limited capabilities. We recommend the mainstreaming of World Health Organisation’s Regional Office for Africa Strengthening Laboratory Management towards Accreditation/Stepwise Laboratory Quality Improvement Process towards Accreditation (WHO-AFRO SLMTA/SLIPTA) programme in medical laboratory industry accreditation and certification requirements to enhance CI of ISO and optimize sustainable EQM practices among medical laboratories in Nigeria, and other sub-Saharan Africa countries.




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