A Study with Relationship Among Language, Culture and Thought and There Addition to Variety of Gestures, Rituals and Paralinguistic Features
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Learning a language is as crucially dependent on factors within learners as it is upon those without. People do not learn a language which is not available to them either in visual, auditory or some other forms. What do learners learn, how they learn, whatthe role of social factors in their learning is and what is the role of individual factors in the learning; all these are very interesting questions in the field of second language acquisition. Language learning or acquisition both are synonymous words inrecent years. But second language acquisition is a different process from the first language learning, because human beings are genetically prepared for having the full fledged idea of their first language which is innate by nature, but un-consciously second language is acquired by them depending upon their various socio-cultural learning situations mediated by media, which is taking place through dialogue, with classroom discourse, reflecting the history, cultural values and social practices of children’s schools and communities.
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