Specific Applications of Location Based Marketing
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As digital dependency continues to grow, marketers increasingly leverage this trend through advanced marketing strategies like location-based marketing (LBM). This study examines the problem of effectively engaging target customers using LBM by analyzing how mobile devices and applications facilitate customer tracking through data collection on location and preferences. Using a systematic review methodology, the research investigates various LBM applications and technologies, illustrating their impact on customer engagement and marketing effectiveness. Findings reveal that specific LBM strategies, enabled by GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth technologies, significantly enhance real-time customer interaction and personalization. These insights emphasize LBM's potential in modern digital marketing practices.
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Kallier, S. M. (2017). The focus of marketing communication efforts of smes within south Africa. . Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society., 12(1), 140-154.
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Kallier, S. M. (2017). The focus of marketing communication efforts of smes within south Africa. . Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society., 12(1), 140-154.
Halvorsen, K. H.-M. (2013). Can fashion blogs function as a marketing tool to influence consumer behavior? Evidence from Norway. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. . 4(3), 211-224.
Constantinides, E. (2014). Foundations of Social Media Marketing, Procedia. Social and Behavioral Sciences., 148,40-57.
Belk, R. (2017). Possessions and the extended self. . Journal of Consumer Research, 15(2), , 139–168.
Halvorsen, K. H.-M. (2013). Can fashion blogs function as a marketing tool to influence consumer behavior? Evidence from Norway. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. . 4(3), 211-224.
Barhemmati, N. A. (2015). Effects of social network marketing on consumer purchase behavior through customer engagement. Journal of Advanced Management science, 307-311.
Burnsed, K. A. (2009). Attitudes toward home furnishings case goods: An investigation of motivations and values relative to product choice.
Yakup, D. S. (2012). An Impirical Study on the Effect of Family Factor on Consumer Buying Behaviors, . Asian Journal of Social Science,, 7(10), 53-62.
Belk, R. (2017). Possessions and the extended self. . Journal of Consumer Research, 15(2), , 139–168.
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Burnsed, K. A. (2009). Attitudes toward home furnishings case goods: An investigation of motivations and values relative to product choice.
Yakup, D. S. (2012). An Impirical Study on the Effect of Family Factor on Consumer Buying Behaviors, . Asian Journal of Social Science,, 7(10), 53-62.
Halvorsen, K. H.-M. (2013). Can fashion blogs function as a marketing tool to influence consumer behavior? Evidence from Norway. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. . 4(3), 211-224.
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Schade, Michael & Piehler, Rico & Warwitz, Claudius & Burmann, Christoph. (2016). The Effect of Advertising Value and Privacy Concerns on the Intention to Use Location-Based Advertising: The Role of Brand Trust as Brand-Related Antecedent.
Halvorsen, K. H.-M. (2013). Can fashion blogs function as a marketing tool to influence consumer behavior? Evidence from Norway. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. . 4(3), 211-224.
Barhemmati, N. A. (2015). Effects of social network marketing on consumer purchase behavior through customer engagement. Journal of Advanced Management science, 307-311.
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Jacoby, J. S. (2017). Brand choice behavior as a function of information overload. Journal of Marketing Research, 63–69.
Blenkhorn, D. &. (2009). How reverse marketing changes buyer-seller roles. . Industrial Marketing Management, 185–191.
Constantinides, E. (2014). Foundations of Social Media Marketing, Procedia. Social and Behavioral Sciences., 148,40-57.
Yakup, D. S. (2012). An Impirical Study on the Effect of Family Factor on Consumer Buying Behaviors, . Asian Journal of Social Science,, 7(10), 53-62.
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Barhemmati, N. A. (2015). Effects of social network marketing on consumer purchase behavior through customer engagement. Journal of Advanced Management science, 307-311.
Blenkhorn, D. &. (2009). How reverse marketing changes buyer-seller roles. . Industrial Marketing Management, 185–191.
Pandey, S. K. (2011). The Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior. VSRD International Journal of Business & Management Research. , 1(1), 21-28.
Yakup, D. S. (2012). An Impirical Study on the Effect of Family Factor on Consumer Buying Behaviors, . Asian Journal of Social Science,, 7(10), 53-62.
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