Redefining Advertising in the Arithmetical Budget Publishing 3.0
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Publishing 3.0 is a publishing strategy that integrates online and physical interactions between businesses and customers. It is an approach which more effectively takes into account the convergence of the offline and on line worlds of businesses and customers. The concept focuses on how, in the times of a digital economy boom, offline touch serves as a major differentiation in an increasingly online world. It also encompasses how style blends with substance, in that even as brands need to adopt flexible and adaptive styles in view of fast-changing technological developments, the brand’s core, authentic character is ever more important. Publishing 3.0 is about balancing machine-to-machine (M2M) with human-to-human (H2H). As connected devices become more commonplace on the back of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT), resulting in greater publishing productivity, they need to go hand-in-hand with human-to-human connectivity in order to strengthen customer engagement. This study explores the conceptual understanding of Publishing 3.0 and move from publishing 1.0 to publishing 3.0, i.e. traditional to digital publishing.
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