Enhancing Mine Safety An Assessment of Particulate Dust and Noise at Kristal Vountein Quarry, Nigeria

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Ayodele Olumuyiwa Owolabi
Patrick Adeniyi Adesida
Blessing Olamide Taiwo


Enhanced productivity in mining operations has led to rising mechanisation of the production process, which consequently increases the quantity of dust and noise generated. Dust-related health risk to mine workers is a function of size, concentration and total time to which they were exposed to it. Hearing challenges that are often stimulated by noise depend on the sound’s rate of recurrence levels of pressure and workers’ exposure.  Contact with sound pressures and dust concentrations beyond the threshold limits prescribed range by statutory environmental protection bodies may have a damaging consequence on the health of mine workers. This study therefore assessed quarry dust concentration and noise level in Kristal Vountein Quarry vis-à-vis prescribed standards and proposed appropriate control measures to minimise this menace. The noise levels are generally below the danger limit of 90 dB, with the maximum noise level of 85.8+2.6 dB obtained from the crushing point. The findings revealed that the air quality index (AQI) near the processing crusher varied with distance. At 50 m, PM10 and PM2.5 levels were 197.4+11.3 and 215.1+11.3, indicating unhealthy and very unhealthy exposures, respectively. At 100 m, the AQI were 164.4+10.1 and 189.3+9.5, signalling unhealthy conditions. Further distances showed decreasing AQI, with 150 m indicating unhealthy for sensitive groups, 200 m is moderate for PM10, and 250 m is moderate for PM10 and unhealthy for sensitive groups for PM2.5. Therefore, quarry workers, especially in the crushing area, should always put on their protective equipment to protect them from the hazardous environment.

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How to Cite
Owolabi, A. O., Adesida, P. A., & Taiwo, B. O. (2024). Enhancing Mine Safety: An Assessment of Particulate Dust and Noise at Kristal Vountein Quarry, Nigeria. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(4), 268-275. https://zkdx.ch/journal/zkdx/article/view/152

How to Cite

Owolabi, A. O., Adesida, P. A., & Taiwo, B. O. (2024). Enhancing Mine Safety: An Assessment of Particulate Dust and Noise at Kristal Vountein Quarry, Nigeria. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(4), 268-275. https://zkdx.ch/journal/zkdx/article/view/152


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