Use of Internet market with few clunks with Systematic classified Development


Engina Helal


The objective of the research study is to explore the problems and risk perceived by the women customers  in  the  process  of  online  shopping.  In  order  to  achieve  this  objective,  the  opinion  of  the  ten randomly  selected  frequent  online  shopper  women  customers  is  analyzed    from two  cities  of  Haryana state of India using the statistical method “Analytical hierarchical Process (AHP)”. This study focuses on the  loopholes  of online  shopping  factors  explaining  the  online  buying  behavior  among  women  customer. In  the  research  study  the  objective  is  to  explore  the  problems  and  risk  perceived  by  the women customers in the process of online shopping. In  order to achieve this objective,  the opinion of the ten randomly selected frequent online shopper women customers is analysed using the statistical method “Analytical hierarchical Process (AHP)”. In this process the various available perceived risks associated with  online  shopping  are  listed  on  the  basis  of  literature  review  as  well  as  discussions  with  the  women customers  doing  the  online  shopping.  These  selected  women  customers  were  asked  to  compare  these different  mentioned  risk  pairwise  with  the  help  of  a  questionnaire  especially  designed  for  the  purpose.  On  the  basis  of  received  responses  from  the  selected  women  customers the process of AHP is applied. The results of the AHP provided the  factors indicating the  different loopholes and fear aspects of the online shopping behavior of the women customers. The naming of these loopholes  in  online  shopping  are  fear  of  gap  between  expected  and  received  product,  fear  of  personal safety  during  the  time  of  delivery  ,more  risky  process  in  terms  of  payment,  price  of product,  risk  of  right product  delivery,  risk  of  product  quality,  no  feel  and  touch,    no  enjoyment,  inability  to use  internet, medium  of  recreation. This  paper  studies  the  loopholes  in  online  shopping  from  the prospective  of  women  customers  doing  online  shopping.  From  a  theoretical  point  of  view,  not  many empirical  studies  have  been  conducted  to  study  theloopholes  of  online  shopping  with  perspective  of women.




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