A Semi-System Approach to Determine the EHL Model over the Contact Length and Its Effect in Helical Gear Pair
Helical gears because of their low noise operation and better efficiency are one of the best choices for various industries wherever they are using parallel shaft gear drive. These gears normally operate in elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) condition to transfer high torque. In such scenario the lube film thickness plays a very critical role in the fatigue life of the gears. It is important to know the contact pressure, lube film thickness and pattern of oil film pressure at critical points of load transmission. This research work is all about determination of lube film thickness, contact pressure and oil film pressure at all concern contact points on contact line.
To start with the research after analysing the past work done the critical points are being calculated as per AGMA 925 followed by detailed analysis on these points to establish their validity and significance. Critical Points are discussed.
Reynolds equation is used to establish the methodology of calculating the lube film thickness with numerical methodology concept for elastic deformation. A noble method of calculating the lube film thickness by following the methodology as discussed in Python is used here. The contact stress model generated in the Python is reviewed for sample example with analytical result to find its accuracy. Lube film thickness is calculated in line with AGMA 925 via Kissoft and each point pressure with lube film pattern is calculated by the Python tool in this research work. Finally, the developed software is also reviewed with historic example data and was found satisfactory.
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