Recent Kannada Navodaya Writings


Mohamed Mehar


The  development  of  modern  Kannada  literature  can  be  traced  to  the  early  19th  century  when  Maharaja Krishnaraja  Wodeyar  III  and  his  court  poets  moved  away  from  the  ancient  Champu  form  of  prose  toward  prose renderings  of  Sanskrit  epics  and  plays. Kempu  Narayana’s Mudramanjusha  is  the  first  modern  novel  written  in Kannada.




E. P. Rice :A History of Kanarese Literature.

N. Upadhye :Introduction to Brhat Katha –Kosa.

N. Upadhye :Asaga and his works’ (Karnataka Historical Review. No.1.4

S. Mugal : Kannada Sahitya Charitre.

S. Sheshagirirao : Hosagannada Sahitya.

Narasih mcharya : Kavi Charite.

