Study and Analysis of the Rural Housing Program and its Impact on the Rural Exodus in Collo Massif in Eastern Algeria Case of the Municipality of Benizid
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Benizid is a rural municipality located in Collo Massif, and faces major constraints affecting both its socio-economic development and the dynamics of its complex geographical area.
Deeply affected by the terrorism of the black decade, which had an impact on spatial and social dynamics, Benizid has benefited, since the launch of the rural housing program in the early 2000s, from a rural housing program, the main objectives of which are to revitalize the rural area and help rural dwellers to return to their land in the villages and Mechtas, partly abandoned under the security constraints of the 1990s and 2000s.
The aim of our study is therefore to examine the evolution of the implementation of the rural housing program in the Municipality of Benizid and to define the contribution of the rural housing program to population retention in rural areas and secondary agglomerations.
This study has enabled us to conclude that rural housing in the Municipality of Benizid is built on an individual and scattered basis, and that rural housing has not been allocated at the same rate since the start of the housing program in the municipality. Subsidies and aid relating to this program are carried out in installments following specifications and the progress of construction operations. These are homes with 03 to 04 rooms. They constitute the most widespread form and offered by the State whatever the size of the households.
This rural housing plan has had a positive impact on the revitalization of the rural area as a whole, particularly through the intermittent or permanent return of the population to start working the land. These are mainly socio-professional categories that are mainly over 60 years old, because young people are now rooted in the cities.
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