Psycho-Economic Dynamics of Black Women within the South African Rural Agricultural Landscape

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Mamba S. G.
Beharry-Ramraj A.


Black women are often the unseen backbone of the South African rural agricultural sector. However, the historical injustices they have experienced have resulted in a complex web of psychological factors that influence their agricultural economic decision making. Conversely, experiencing systematic economic challenges has had an impact on their psychological well-being. The psycho-economic dynamics of black women in rural agricultural landscapes is understudied. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the interplay between psychological factors and economic orientation of black women within the South African rural agricultural landscape. The study used a desktop method where secondary data was collected using search terms focused on agriculture, black women, psycho-economic, psychology, and rural economy on electronic databases. It was found that the psychological influences shaping economic decisions of rural black women in the agricultural landscape were their risk aversion, resilience, locus of control, and their time perspective. Whereas the economic pressures in the rural agricultural landscape that have an impact on the psychological wellbeing of black women were precarious livelihoods, the burden of food security, financial strain, limited resources, and the burden and devaluation of their labour. It was recommended in this study that policymakers and development programs create a more supportive environment for rural black women in the South African agricultural landscape where these psycho-economic dynamics can be acknowledged and addressed holistically.

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How to Cite
Mamba, S. G., & A., B.-R. (2025). Psycho-Economic Dynamics of Black Women within the South African Rural Agricultural Landscape. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 30(1), 124-130.

How to Cite

Mamba, S. G., & A., B.-R. (2025). Psycho-Economic Dynamics of Black Women within the South African Rural Agricultural Landscape. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 30(1), 124-130.


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