Students’ Perception and Practice of Cooperative Learning In EFL Class Second-Year English Language Students in Focus


Simachew Gashaye


This study was intended to explore students’ perception and practice of cooperative learning (CL) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class at Debre Markos University (DMU), Ethiopia. The study included 32 second English language studies students of DMU. Data were collected with classroom observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The quantitative data of classroom observation and questionnaire were analyzed with percentage and mean; whereas, the interview data was analyzed qualitatively with thematic analysis. The result revealed that the students have a positive attitude towards CL and believe CL enhances their academic and social skills. Regarding their practice of CL, they failed to practice it in line with the principles of CL due to different challenges. The factors attributed to CL implementation's failure were teacher and student-related. Generally, though the perception of students towards CL was good, its actual practice in their learning was found unsuccessful.




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