A Postmodernist Reading of Selected Historical Novels in Amharic A Quest for Heroic Personalities
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This article was designed to explore the portrayal of heroic personalities reflected in selected Amharic novels as per some postmodern narrative strategies specifically Hutch’s (1995) notion of historiographic metafiction and Lacan’s (1977) the mirror stage. This is so, for researchers in most of the time perceive historical texts are primarily approached from historical point of views. However, what is more important as per the writer’s point of view here is approaching historical discourse from the perspective of historiographic metafiction in which individuals could impart knowledge to the mass. As per postmodernists’ notion, taken as the tool of analysis in this article, being a big man is there in the minds and hearts of everyone. Hence, the article under discussion has shown the different heroic personalities; like, sacrifice, compassion, focus, honesty, loyalty, determination, courage, virtue, wisdom, visionary, intrepidity, fortitude, etc.
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