Effects of Problem Based Instruction on EFL Students’ Writing Performance
This study aimed to investigate the effects of problem-based learning on EFL students’ writing performance. On a single participant group of 35 students who were enrolled in the Department of Political Science and International Relations during the academic year 2023/2024. A quasi-experimental approach of a repeated measures design was applied. Data were gathered using tests and a reflective journal kept. Three argumentative essay writing pretests and posttests were administered before and after the intervention. The instrument's inter-rater reliability was examined using the Kappa value. The Repeated Measures of ANOVA method was used to analyze the quantitative data. The quantitative data result showed that problem-based instruction improves students' writing performance. Thematic analysis was used to examine the reflective journals' qualitative data. In spite of their unfavorable reflections, the students' thoughts on the methods of instruction used in the writing classroom were found to be significantly positive, according to the findings of their reflective diaries. Therefore, it is concluded that problem based instruction is recommended as one of the alternative teaching approach that improves students' writing abilities in the ELT writing pedagogy.
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