A Even-handed Revision on Visual Aid for Unseeing
Abdelkader Niebles, Weiyhi Wessam*
DOI: 10.1654/zkdx.2022.27.1-4
Pages: 13-16
The Third Eye for the Blind is a wearable device that involves multidisciplinary areas such as computing, electronics engineering, and health science to assist blind individuals in navigating and detecting surrounding hazards utilizing ultrasonic waves and providing audio alerts using a text to speech module. The objective of this project is to style a product that’s considerably beneficial to those people that are visually impaired and people who often need to believe others. Globally, 1.1 billion people were visually impaired by the year 2020. Because of population growth and ageing, the number of persons affected by these main causes of vision loss has increased significantly. The device that we have proposed is based on the detection of targets using ultrasonic sound. The device’s camera assists the user in identifying and recalling objects from their programmed memory when they reappear in front of them. Even today, blind people use a stick to detect obstacles in their path. However, this stick is inefficient in many ways, and the person who uses it faces numerous difficulties. So, in order to address this issue, we are developing this device using cutting-edge technology.
Keywords: Index Terms-Raspberry, Pi 4, Pi Camera, Ultrasonic Sensors, Text to Speech Module
Tenders of Huge Data Technology and Cloud Calculating in Smart Estate: A Short Reiew
Akrit El. Tayeb, Lora Desal*
DOI: 10.1654/zkdx.2022.27.1-3
Pages: 10-12
Data mining describes the task of going through big data sets to seek relevant or significant information. This type of task is actually an example of the old axiom “looking for a needle in a haystack.” The idea is that services gather enormous sets of data that may be homogeneous or automatically accumulated. Decision-makers require access to smaller sized, much more certain pieces of information from those large sets. They use data mining to uncover the items of details that will certainly inform management and help chart the course for a company.
Keywords: Cloud calculating, Timely fashion, Big data, Value
Acute Study of Personality, Attribution and Location and inner Relation
Gemrex D. Breva*, Asep Aprianto
DOI: 10.1654/zkdx.2022.27.1-2
Pages: 6-9
Creativity as an established research field in Psychology is no more side-lined as in the first half of 20th century. There are many aspects observed in the types of studies published in the contemporary journals on creativity. A review of researches done in the area of creativity is presented under three thematic categories -Personality, Attribution and Environment. The study of personality factors includes the effect of psychopathology, motivation, attention and memory in the creative performance. The study of a creative environment includes the creativity training, studying anti-creative environments, technology, the role of ambiguity and the knowledge provided. The study of environmental factors includes parenting styles, effect of technology on creativity of children in classrooms, anti-creative environments, tolerance of ambiguity and creativity training. The study of Cultural factors includes social, political, religious and economical aspects which influence creativity. The three dimensions of Personality, Attribution, and Environment are critically analysed.
Keywords: Attribution, Creativity, Culture, Environment, Personality Participation
Character of Self-Help Clusters in Permission of Women
Aamir Iqbal*, Ahmed Ashour
DOI: 10.1654/zkdx.2022.27.1-1
Pages: 1-5
Self-Help Groups are the voluntary organizations which disburse micro credit to the members and facilitate them to enter into entrepreneurial activities. Every member of the group gets an opportunity to put forth her views. Self Help Groups (SHGs) of women in India have been recognized as an effective strategy for the empowerment of women in rural as well as urban areas. Throughout the vicissitudes of history women had collectively struggled against direct and indirect barriers to their self-development and their full social, political and economic participation. As an agent of people’s planning and development, Kudumbasree Ayalkoottam is the lowest most unit in Kerala’s contemporary democracy. The collective and integrated activities of the SHGs will help them in sustaining their family economically, giving better education to their children, meeting financial crisis in the familyand meting any crisis independently.
Keywords: Self Help Groups, Empowerment of Women, Kudumbasree, Ayalkoottam, Economic Participation