Sustainability of Professional Services in the Plumbing Industry in a Digitalised Environment


Maryna Louise LANDMAN
Lawrence Ogechukwu OBOKOH
Olawale Olufemi AKINRINDE


The plumbing sector in Gauteng is being confronted with significant challenges, especially with regards to the competition and unregulated services of unqualified plumbers. This has, in no small measure, posed serious concerns and threat to the long-term viability of professional plumbing enterprises in the Gauteng province of South Africa. This study, therefore, investigates the relationship between sustainability and global digitalisation within the context of professional plumbing services in Gauteng, South Africa. Alongside an examination of the economic sustainability of these illicit plumbing services from the unqualified plumbers, the study addresses critical environmental and social sustainability issues impacting the industry and broader societal well-being. A qualitative research design was employed to tackle the complexity of this investigation. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews while the elicited data were analysed using content analytical method. Comprehensive data analysis revealed the severity of the threat posed by unqualified plumbers but also highlighted the potential benefits of adopting digitalisation and lean-green practices to mitigate this threat. The findings emphasize the growing necessity for plumbing professionals to integrate sustainable practices and digital technologies into their operations. Investments in training and the incorporation of “smart” plumbing solutions are recommended to enhance competitiveness and contribute to environmental conservation. This study provides valuable insights into the sustainability challenges and opportunities within Gauteng’s professional plumbing services amidst a rapidly digitalising landscape.




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