An Indication of Device for Endorsing Communication Skills in the Line of for Job Quality

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Nizam Salawu


Today’s  corporate  world  is  increasingly  suffered  with  inexpert  manpower  as  graduate employees  lack  interpersonal  skills  which  plays  an  indispensable  role  in  bonding  with  other professional   groups   and   broader community.   Since,   employers   are   now   more   focused   on  interpersonal skills rather than Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), it is an irrefutable fact that imparting  technical  knowledge  along  with  the  knowledge  of  communicative  competence  in  English takes a lion’s share in professional success. But the graduates are not ready to learn personality traits, behavioural changes, official demureness and decency to find a better place in their career. Proficiency in  English  communication  does  not  come  naturally  to graduates  in  India  as  English  is  not  their  first language  or  the  mother  tongue.  While inculcating English language, objectives and methods  taught are mostly enabling the students to rewrite the learned or by hearted information and facts in written form  of  examination. It is  painful  to  say  that  oral  communication  in  English,  a  medium  to  express feelings  and  ideas,  is  not  really  given  practice  as  the  components  to  facilitate  oral  communication, although  present,  are  not  adequate.  This  can  be  achievable  only through  a  proper  strategy  that  is focused  on  imparting  technical  knowledge  as  well  as  improving  effective  communication  and persuasive skills rather than emphasizing to incorporate a course on communication skills. This paper attempts to highlight such a strategy on communication skills for engineering students.

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How to Cite
Salawu, N. (2024). An Indication of Device for Endorsing Communication Skills in the Line of for Job Quality. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(1), 25-27.

How to Cite

Salawu, N. (2024). An Indication of Device for Endorsing Communication Skills in the Line of for Job Quality. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao, 29(1), 25-27.


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