Influence of Using Composite Materials on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columns
A large capacity of columns to withstand highly loads without negatively affecting the architectural requirements is one of the most important challenges facing the construction concept. One of the recent methods of strengthening columns is the use of glass or carbon fiber reinforced polymers (GFRP) or (CFRP) laminates. Five experimental prototype columns with dimensions 200x200x1200 mm for width, length and height were examined under axial compression load. The first column specimen without any is strengthening wrapping to be considered a control specimen. The other four column specimens strengthened by CFRP and GFRP wrapping using fully and partially confinement techniques. The experimental results showing a good enhancement in loading capacity by 16% and 40% for partially and fully CFRP wrapping respectively. Consequently, a slight improvement by 11% and 19% in loading capacity for column specimens with partially and fully GFRP wrapping respectively. Also, the mechanism of failure and for strengthened columns by CFRP or GFRP transferred to FRP rupture instead of concrete crushing. This confirmed that the fiber sheets were fully bonded to concrete from the loading beginning up to failure. Finite element (FE) program was conducted using ANSYS software to recognize deeply the behavior of laminates made of GFRP and CFRP.
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