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Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao (ZKDX) is an international Open Access journal. All the articles published in this journal are accessible to the researchers throughout the world without any barrier under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao (ZKDX) covers publication within the subjects of Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Education, Social Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Commerce, and Management and promises to provide most authentic and complete source of information.

Journal of China University of Mining and Technology
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  • Peer-Reviewed Multi-disciplinary Journal
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Journal Name:    Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao
Scopus Coverage: From June 1998 till date
Impact Factor (2023):   4.508
Impact Factor (2021):    3.215
Journal Type:    Refereed/Peer reviewed/Open access
Publisher:    China University of Mining & Technology
Frequency:    Quarterly (4 issues/year)
First decision (editorial decision):    1-3 days
Review time:    1-2 weeks
Publication time:    2 days
Acceptance rate:    45%
APC:    120 USD

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